
Our Thanks

In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for you. Horizon’s 31 years of business comes from our dedication to our customers and of course, our customers’ continued patronage of us.
We hope you enjoy the videos provided below.

Horizon Demo Reel | see and hear highlights from our portfolio (video, web, audio, and animation) to get inspired for your next Horizon collaboration!



Horizon Studio Tour Greenscreen Laughs | whether you attended our Fall celebration of 30 years of Horizon or weren’t able to make it, check out these highlights from the “Greenscreen” tour stop



Studio Time-lapse | lights, camera, action but all in time-lapse where you see the behind-the-scenes and then the scenes themselves



Having you as a customer is something for which we are especially grateful.

Everyone at Horizon wishes you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!