
Meet the Team: Ben

Horizon creates one-of-a-kind amazing products for its clients, but who are the masterminds behind everything you see (and hear)? Throughout the coming weeks we will be showcasing the Horizon team members so you can get to know us better.


Ben (AKA 'Bender' AKA 'Jack-of-All-Trades'):

You'll most likely meet Ben when he shows up with a bunch of equipment, of which he is extremely qualified to make an awesome video. On paper, he works as Horizon's Sound Recordist/Asst. Sound Designer, making sure the sound on the shoot is the best it can be. But really that's just the tip of the iceberg. Ben has been seen shooting video, gaffing, griping, editing, on occasion producing, and spouting off random facts that would put a Trivia Crack addict to shame. (Hint: That's how he got the nickname Bender because he would have to be a robot to have that much info in his head, right?


Personal Motto or Mantra:

"Do. Or do not. There is no try."

Favorite Book:


Favorite Movie:

Jurassic Park

Favorite TV Show:

Arrested Development

Favorite Celebrity:

Michael Fassbender

Favorite Project You've Worked On At Horizon:

Birth of a Colony

Favorite Item On Your Desk:

Clyde the Cylon 

Favorite Song:

Anything song that I can shout, "AHH YEAH! THIS IS MY JAM!"